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Article Title: Karen Lafferty: The Jesus music and contemporary worship pioneer
Author of reported comment: Isaac S. Mukisa
Comment Date: 11:54 on Sep 7 2009
Comment: Sharom, Its nice to read about Kareen. Am a young man aged 26. Am a worship leader in a church within my country as well as having a worship ministry that am strugling to uplift in our nation where no one has come out to do worship ministry. God has been stirring me up to be strong and press on to what he has prepared for me just for his service and blessing the body of christ. I have composed and written some songs, which i have played in verious places and people have been blessed. Am looking for people who can stand me in form of support to see that this vision will become a reality. Kareen, your story has been a great inspiration to a struggling worshipper who longs to get somewhere in God. If anyone wants to know more about me, my email is : Till the race is done Isaac Ssebakije Mukisa
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