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Article Title: Tom Howard: From Jesus music pioneer to behind-the-scenes virtuoso
Author of reported comment: Sydney Bush
Comment Date: 11:11 on Aug 25 2009
Comment: I am trying to find the collection of Christian piano pieces by Tom Howard in the out-of-print book "Colors." My friend, Allison, lost her home in the recent "Tea Fire" in Santa Barbara. The fire spread so rapidly that the family could grab only a few items before having to flee for their lives. Allison had played several selections from "Colors" during the memorial service for her 15-year-old daughter, Alyssa, who had died of a brain tumor in 2006. Of course, all of her piano books burned up, but this book was especially meaningful to her. Do you have any idea where I could possibly locate a copy of this book? I have been trying every online resource I could think of, but to no avail. Thank you for any assistance you could give, as this family has suffered heavy losses over the past 3 years. Thank you, Sydney W. Bush
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