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Article Title: It Must Be Love
Author of reported comment: Mike Farris
Comment Date: 18:35 on Aug 19 2009
Comment: Dear Ronnie, I have never seen a Christian Band more dedicated to reaching so many people with the gospel of Jesus Christ. This is the reason that so many have found this obscure website. I had to write and say Thanks for your dedication and if it weren't for The Lord finding me through your group I wouldn't be writing this letter of Thanks right now! My Grandpa was an usher at Angelus Temple in Los Angeles when I first saw you guys and I got the cassette and just wore it out listening to the so meaningful words over and over. I gave my life to Jesus and became a Missionary to Russia along with my wife and 12 year old son and now am back in the states here in Orange County attending Ocean Hills Church. If you have a mailing list please put me on it and when you guys get back together we would love to have you minister at our church! Michael Farris
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