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Article Title: Country Hit For Katie
Author of reported comment: shelly c
Comment Date: 14:02 on Jul 15 2009
Comment: I heard Katie a couple years ago in concert and through her testimony found her to be a nice and sensitive young woman. She sings with strong emotion however it did appear at that time though she shared about struggles with weight and body acceptance it was evident that she was not truly happy with where she was -most people that have long term weight struggle have deeper issues - often times it related to acceptance and issues of disappointing those you love. If Katie's parents have been closely involved in her music career it might be time for them to release some control and let her walk, stumble at times and gain strength on her own - they may want to be a part of her success but often times this could mean being a support but not actively involved. There is no blaming here but rarely is a person able to work freely with their parents in the entertainment industry the same as a non-relative. For some reason her father has expressed his opinion with every posting especially ones that he feels are not as supportive and somehow brings it back to the writer. If this is posted and he replies - the answer is "Yes" I know what it is like to struggle with weight and "Yes" I do know what it is like to have a child in the music industry - we let ours go after a short time of involvement and she is doing well and very happy. Continued success to Katie and may she slowly step out on her own and see all that God has for her.
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