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Article Title: Daryl Coley: The Gospel Giant Returns After Battle With Illness
Author of reported comment: Pat
Comment Date: 22:43 on Jun 16 2009
Comment: Pastor Darryl, you are an inspiration to me. I recently saw you on DTV, channel 4, in Douglas,Ga. I enjoyed hearing you again. I wondered what happened to you. Since reading your story, about your illness, with diabetes, you are in my prayers. It only causes, for a life change, in what we eat, and do. You are a annointed man of God, and He has your back! Be en- couraged. God gave me a revelation one day, while sitting in church. He asked me to spell the word, testimony. He then ask me, what is the first four letters of the word, I spelled it out TEST-IMONY. He said, you can't have a testimony, without a test. The test always precedes the testimony. You are blessed! Even the songs you've made, has a message in them. God bless you, in Jesus name!
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