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Article Title: 1979 - Christian Music's Year Zero!: A Personal Reflection by Mike Rimmer
Author of reported comment: peter
Comment Date: 17:40 on May 3 2009
Comment: Absolutely agree - actually GB 78 was kind of the start of it for me. Bill Masons set in 78 was the first time i saw the possibilities - although i think the LP somehow took some of the edge of the noisier tunes. I was the only Giantkiller fan in Essex... ATF were still ostensibly proggies then. However that was the year which combined the spirit of christian music from the earlier 70s (mighty flyers et al) with a musical vocabulary taken from the radio. Sadly that spirit seems to be lost now as US oriented CCM has beome so over-produced its become spiritually vaccuous and simplistic.......
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