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Article Title: More Hillsong Criticism
Author of reported comment: ingrid
Comment Date: 13:03 on May 2 2009
Comment: i read this article and the comments posted about a week ago. since then ive been to the Colour your world 2009 conference the last 2 days. from being there I can only say that obviously the writer has never been to a conference. it was al about God, in all His greatness and majesty. yes the invitation is inspiring, but the conference is definitely not a feel good seminar, but more about realising your value so that you could go out and reach the lost of this world for God. woman are often devalued in the world and in the Church and in that way never have the confidence to step out into the dark places of our worlds to bring God light there. I walked away from this conference, challenged to do Gods will on this earth, to take responsibility for the lives of my neighbours, co-workers and family, because this is God commision to His people. NOT feeling great about how wonderful i am and it stops there. No sir this conference is all about God. it is even said from the pulpit more than once, that this conference is not about us just feeling beter about ourselves, but that with that comes the responsiblity for the lives around us. My suggestion is that maybe next time somebody ask you about Hillsong, you tell them you dont know enough to answer them. because you dont!
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