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Article Title: Michael English: After years in the CCM wilderness, the prodigal finally comes home
Author of reported comment: connie siders
Comment Date: 15:28 on Apr 30 2009
Comment: Michael, The best artist I have had the privilege of knowing. The article above tells about the struggles Michael has had all his life....that is what makes him the humble, caring and loving person he is today. Those who have gone through much also have much to give. When Michael sings he gives everything he has. I believe God made him so tall so that those big notes that come out of his mouth have to travel from the tips of his toes to the top of his head. Those notes are fantastic. He is a blessing to all of us because he has been blessed by God and it shows. Everyone needs to hear Michael in concert. He is back with the Gaither Vocal Band and he is happier than he has ever been. When he was with them before, he was very young and had not gone through all the tribulations he since has had. Those trials have made him the best there is. I have followed Michael through those tough years and he was great then...however, now with God beside him, he is the greatest. What a winning team...God and Michael English. Well, maybe I should include Bill in there also. LOL Connie Siders
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