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Article Title: Fireproof Your Marriage
Author of reported comment: Mike Grow
Comment Date: 02:27 on Apr 29 2009
Comment: God Bless your ministry and talent in the area of film production. Many couples are hurting and in serious need of uplifting and encouraging movies like "Fireproof" that portray difficult situations that can happen in a marriage. I've just now purchased the "Fireproof" DVD and sent to my brother and his wife to watch as they are having serious problems in their marriage. As a follow up to purchasing this DVD, I will most likely purchase two copies of the "Love Dare" manual for myself and my brother so we can experience this challenge at the same time to encourage and pray for each other's marriages. I pray that you will continue and be blessed in your efforts to share the Word with others through your film making. In His shadow, Mike
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