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Article Title: Charles McPheeters: Drug addict turned Jesus music pioneer
Author of reported comment: LaDora
Comment Date: 18:50 on Apr 16 2009
Comment: I met Charles as apatient in his las months of life. I also got to know his wife a little too. But his kids were the most amazing of all. Charles had a strong faith in God. Nut more than that he lived his live so devoted yo winning others to Christ. He treated everone with care and compaasion. I will never forget my last conversation with his children. His son was four ( I think) and he came running down the hall to greet me and jumped in my arms aas I arrived to work. His son told me that Keith greed died and weny to heaven and that is where is daddy was Charls omact in my life and the others he touched will always be rememberd.
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