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Article Title: Beautiful Day
Author of reported comment: Christine Michael
Comment Date: 21:23 on Apr 11 2009
Comment: (I first met Reg and John in the 60's. I ran a club at what was then 'The Fox' in Loughborough and John and Reg had started the club at Cropwell Bishop. In 1967 I left the Midlands for a little bed-sit in Mornington Crescent in London, where I worked part-time at EFDSS and did a bit of teaching, while performing at London clubs. I returnied briefly to Nottingham in 1968 when my mother died and then I went back to London, having married, in 1969, losing touch with the folk scene in the East Miidlands and eventually moved to Cork in Ireland. I returned to Nottingham in 1987 and started a club at Keyworth - who should walk in but John and Reg!!!!) The morning of 4th April 2009 was misty and slightly chilly but by lunchtime the envelope of mist had cleared, replaced by the purest of blue skies and warmth from the glow of the sun. 'Trust Reg to have booked the weather' someone said. 'What a beautiful day' people quietly commented, reminding us all of Reg's song. Men came in trucks to check the hole in the ground. and soon afterwards more people came like a flock of birds gathering on the grass. The priest offered a celebration of Reg's life and we shared prayers honouring him. Empathy and compassion hung in the air for Reg's immediate family - Reg was fine I felt, probably watching over and preparing a song for his next debut. Back at Reg's grandaughter's house, as some of us sat in the garden, a dove flew over our heads. Christine Michael
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