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Article Title: The Priests: Taking "Ave Maria" into the pop charts
Author of reported comment: Andrew Halloway
Comment Date: 16:21 on Mar 25 2009
Comment: Thanks for your explanation, Moira. Your comments do help me better understand what Catholics believe. But I can't say I'm wholly convinced, because I believe in the Protestant doctrine of Sola Scriptura (the Bible is sufficient) - whereas church teaching and tradition is secondary - so cannot accept doctrines like the Assumption and Immaculate Conception which are not found in the Bible. And some, but not all, Catholics seem to elevate Mary into a god-like position. It is a fine line between idolising and idolatry, and sometimes it is crossed in relation to Mary. That said, we Protestants should do more to highlight the great example of Mary, and I am intrigued by the idea of Mary as a new Eve - something I'd not thought about before. That certainly brings a completeness to the Bible's redemption history from a female perspective. However, I'm uncomfortable with the idea of Catholics praying to Mary or any of the saints - as Barry Boyers said, the Bible says we have one intercessor for us with the Father and one mediator of our salvation - Jesus. Nowhere will you find the NT Christians praying to anyone except God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit - no mention of a 'Queen Mother' or praying to OT saints. Can you enlighten me further about how this is justified by Catholics? God bless you.
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