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Article Title: More Hillsong Criticism
Author of reported comment: Jayne
Comment Date: 01:33 on Mar 21 2009
Comment: I am a woman in Sydney who regularly attends Sisterhood at the Hills I dont often get to a "regular" service as weekends are when I work. I have to say that I WILL pray for each and every one that has posted a reply here, I really hope you can get right with God. Why does it matter so much how others recieve the word of God, so long as they recieve it? Flashy lights, Conferences, evangelism, or no AC in a dark room! God is EVERYWHERE and it takes all types of "churches" to get the word out as we are all types of people! Go with what works for you as your faith is YOURS. You may not be comfortable or agree with what others do, But its not our place to judge. Just remember that you will only need to answer to God for YOUR life best worry about that.
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