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Article Title: Red Alert
Author of reported comment: Ian Setchell
Comment Date: 12:58 on Mar 14 2009
Comment: Not only do I have this album, on vinyl, I was presented it by Malcolm himself. I was 21, vehemently anti-christian, and attending Bradford and Ilkley Community College, Ilkley in 1983. That autumn The Mirrors were touring the uk and their support bant, Rent Party, played the student union. After the gig, some people from my course were discussing (argueing) faith with Malcolm and the bands. I stuck my nose in and ended up going head to head with Malcolm until about 3 in the morning. I have never forgotton it. We agreed to differ and he gave me Red Alert and tickets to the gig in Skipton a couple of days later. But it wasn't until 3 years ago I became a Christian. The gig was great, they rocked, and I played the album quite a lot over the years.
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