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Article Title: Pettidee: The crunk rapper who practises 'Thug Love'
Author of reported comment: Alpha Gaines
Comment Date: 16:17 on Mar 13 2009
Comment: I know Petti D personally as he is one of me and my husband's many children. He is truly a man of God. He lived with us as part of our family. We love him and are SO VERY proud of the man of God that he is. Our family are his greatest fans. Whenever his "little sisters" knows of him being anywhere where they can arrange to be, they always go to support him. He has a style that introduced me, as an older generation christian, to how rap is a vital part of how GOD wants to reach the youth. I've been hooked on it ever since. I just wish I could get a hold of some of his first mixes that were on tape that he made for me when he was 19. He really needs to be promoted in greater ways because of the anointing to reach and to speak the language of the youth. If they could hear him, they could understand what it's like to have hope in a hopeless generation.
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