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Article Title: It Must Be Love
Author of reported comment: Marie
Comment Date: 10:24 on Feb 27 2009
Comment: I am probably one of the younger listeners, I am 27 years old. My parents both in their late 40's as well as other family members were and still are huge fans of your annointed music. I can remember hearing the music in church as well as at home. The "It must be Love album" has touched so many hearts and brought so many people closer to the Lord. I am so glad that I have had the privilege of growing up with this music. It goes to show how God's message of love and salvation transcends time and generations. The cool thing is that my younger sister who is 17 has gotten a hold of the "It must be love" cassette tape and has continued sharing the message of the latino's music with the younger generation. Many of her friends are asking where they can purchase copies to share with their families. I am happy that I can give them an answer. You can bet that multi-generations of my family will be at the reunion concert! Thank you for your ministry, May God bless you always!
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