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Article Title: It Must Be Love
Author of reported comment: Rick Chavez
Comment Date: 04:43 on Feb 14 2009
Comment: Wow, what a blessing to see all the requests for a Latino Reunion Tour! I was invited by my friend Kenny Brown to meet the band. I have fond memories meeting the band for the first time practicing in my friend Charlie Ferchu's (Resounding Joy) garage before a concert in San Jose. About a year later seeing them again in Phoenix (while serving in the USAF) and being totally blown away. The reason I stumbled on this site was that I was just listening to a cassette by the Latinos called "Stormy Weather" and wanted to know if they are still together serving the Lord. I also noticed a familiar name from one of the people posting. I used to go to Gil Ybarra's fellowhip while in Tolleson (Phoenix area). I'd like to hook up with you Paster Gil!I hope and pray that the reunion concerts take place and that lives be transformed by the Holy Spirit. Ronnie, Harold and Brian, let me know if I can help out in any way. God Bless you!
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