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Article Title: The Shack
Author of reported comment: C
Comment Date: 23:38 on Feb 8 2009
Comment: i must admit, when the book was first recommended to me, the person doing the recommending described to me that God appears s a woman, i felt uncomfortable. But the context of the story is that Mack, having been abused by his drunk father, struggles to relate to God as a father, so God appers to him as a woman, a motherly figure. (In fact, it was on this basis that this lady who was ministering to me recommended it- i was struggling to relate to God because of my own abuse history). For me, it helped to remember that this is the context in which the book is written, and that it is not a literal representation of God. I would be offended if preachers taught that God is a woman- that would be heresy, but this is a novel about a representation of the motherly side of God's character. look at Isaiah 49:14-16- God is indeed our Father, but He has nurturing attributes of a mother, He "shelters His children as a mother hen gathers her chicks under her wings", and i feel that this book may help many people who are hurting, either because they have not reached a stage of being able to see God as a loving Father, or because maybe they didn't have a loving mother, and need to be "parented" by God.
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