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Article Title: The Shack
Author of reported comment: tim
Comment Date: 09:35 on Feb 5 2009
Comment: I could not disagree more regarding this book. I found it to be, at best, a really badly written, corny, purely fictional story about one mans religious journey. And at worst an attempt to explain the trinity from a biblical perspective, resulting in confusion, untruths, strange and weird theological stand points which could only steer people away from the truth of the character of God. I think the most disturbing thing for me is that so many christians, are failing to see how far from biblical truths this book is straying!! I can only hope that it is just that people are jumping on the band wagon and it is not really a true reflection of how bizarre our understanding of the bible has become! Mark Driscoll has some good stuff to say on this book. He is pretty full on about how bad it is, it makes my comments seem very tame indeed : )
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