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Article Title: Fine Joy
Author of reported comment: Geri Cannon
Comment Date: 00:51 on Dec 16 2008
Comment: It seems he's next to impossible to find - don't know how to get his concert schedule or anything about him. Most of the stuff online is old. I just "happen" on occasion to hear he's going to be having a concert somewhere and will go. I've been listening to for over 20 years, have all his music (some of it signed), and have met him several times. He's one of the most humble men I've ever met, and you can really see his heart in his music. I have a pic of him and me that was taken Easter Sunday 2007 in Grapevine, TX when he sang at a church there. If you email at I'll send you a copy. I also have an email of someone who may be of help in contact him for me and I'll see if I can dig up the address.
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