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Author of reported comment: Rory Keegan
Comment Date: 19:47 on Dec 2 2008
Comment: St Paul's, Leamington Spa runs an occasional laid-back, cafe-style, entertainmenty, outreachy event entitled Cafe Create. It was started some years ago by the former head of CYFA Steve Tilley. I have been to numerous Cafe Create evenings and have always enjoyed the relaxed atmosphere and the cool mixture of bands, solo artists, comedy and story telling that's on offer. The most recent event took place last saturday 29 Nov 2008 and featured the Cafe Create debut of a local singer songwriter of outstanding flare and ability. His 'set' (I think that's the correct term) offered an intriguing mixture moods from snappy comedy to the thought full and reflective. Yes, there's a Christian subtext to some of them - but you dont feel you're being earbashed, if you know what I mean. His between-song chat (dry humour-vg) helps set up the next number, giving just enough context - but wisely, he lets the songs speak for themselves. Excellent vocal delivery - confident and on the note, and, particularly appreciated by this listener, having taken the trouble to craft interesting and original lyrics, he makes sure every word can be heard. (You don't have to be Julie Andrews to appreciate the importance of clear diction!) Tip-top guitar-playing as well from this tall troubadour in a tilted trilby. Look out for him, His name? Martin Flett
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