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Article Title: Worship Classics Vol 1: Worship With The Fisherfolk
Author of reported comment: Pippa West
Comment Date: 18:01 on Nov 25 2008
Comment: Whenever I want to find music that reflects the essential outworking of my faith, I've yet to find songs which so consistently hit the nail on the head as do those of the Fisherfolk. Community is at the heart of Christian living - in as much as Jesus said that it is by our love for each other that all people will know we are his disiples. Singing about the reality of relationships within the body of Christ was their hallmark, and it came out of authentic experience. Of course some of it is horribly dated ('Pullin' the weeds, Lord'...) but that doesn't undermine their output overall. 'Praise God for the body' is a song I come back to again and again.
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