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Article Title: From Boyz to Men
Author of reported comment: Lisa
Comment Date: 03:19 on Oct 15 2008
Comment: Helloo to all that reads this. I think that without the Katinas old school samoan blood, they wouldn't have been the best pop group there ever was. I just want to say in Samoan, Faafetai(thank you) Katinas for all your hard work for the Lord and that you guys are my role models for life, right after the Lord Jesus himself. I thank you for your wonderful voices and all the words of encourgement through your guys' music and I just want to take the time out to give God the Glory and Honor for he deserves it all and it all belongs to him. Thank you for being the influence for the generation of yesterday, today, and tomorrow. LOVE YOU GUYS ALWAYS AND FOREVER Praise the Lord, Haleluijah, Amen...
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