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Article Title: Larry Norman - 1947-2008
Author of reported comment: Andy McCullough
Comment Date: 01:59 on Sep 27 2008
Comment: Like someone else above, I almost missed seeing Larry live - for a number of reasons, including his first heart attack, leading to seeing Phil and John. Fortunately, I did finally see him in the Assembly Buildings in Belfast, which was an amazing night. When he sang Messiah, it was with true emotion, and, while no-one can ever be certain of someone else's salvation, it was clear this was a man singing of his own brother, in desperation for his return. I only just learned of his death - as with Rich Mullins and Keith Green, heavenly worship just gained a new voice which we will miss on earth and, while it would be heresy to suggest Heaven is just a little better for having Larry, I don't think the Lord will mind. Rest in peace, Larry, and keep on singing. Forever.
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