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Article Title: It Came From Outer Space
Author of reported comment: Oscar
Comment Date: 04:54 on Sep 23 2008
Comment: Unfortunately, it seems like good old understatedly absurd British humour is appreciated much less than it used to be... :-( This album has taken its time on growing on me, but I'm pretty sure that it's one of the best albums of 2007, Christian or mainstream. mat: I found the sound to sound more raw than poorly produced, but as ever, it's a subjective measurement. Also, I'm pretty sure they're not meant to be melodic. fan of mat: Yes, they are rather cheesy (read: bizarre), and that's their gimmick. But there's nothing wrong with that. It's the reason Monty Python are so appreciated even today. I would, however, complain that the album goes on a little bit too long, and I don't think the same sound would work for another album, so I look forward to hearing [dweeb]'s stylistic evolution. :-) Also, I'd have loved to have heard another really good subversive ballad in the style of "Needless Illness", rather than the somewhat too-standard-for-this-album "Prisoner". (But then again, I think Weird Al's song "Pancreas" is one of the most brilliant musical experimentations I've ever heard, so feel free to ignore my opinions)
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