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Article Title: Gay Ray
Author of reported comment: Donna
Comment Date: 14:08 on Sep 22 2008
Comment: Ray Boltz has been my favorite Christian Artist since his first album. His music has always shown the depth of our sin but that there is Grace through Jesus Christ. It saddens me that he is giving into his temptions instead of taking them to the cross. I work in a ministery which helps people who want freedom from sexual sin - regardless if it is same-sex attraction or pornography. The people who come through our doors know that this is wroong and want help to gain freedom from thier sin. I pray that we would not turn our back on Ray Boltz but lift him up to the Lord and ask that we would see the wrong in what he is doing and seek help. We also need to keep his family in prayer. It is easy to see why Ray Boltz was abale to produce such sole searching songs because of the struggles he himself was facing. Thank you Ray for all you have given us and I pray you would seek God during this time of conflict in your life.
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