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Article Title: Lessons From Lakeland
Author of reported comment: Jame Rake
Comment Date: 01:22 on Sep 5 2008
Comment: Has anyone reading this ever considered that maybe what went on with Bentley really wasn't of the Lord, but really demonic in inspiration? With Bentley emphasis on angels (none of whom seemed to be male, the only gen der of angels mentioned in Scripture) and de-emphasis on Jesus, not to mention the dancing, manifestations and Bentley's descriptions of sensations that hvae more to do with mystic/contemplative occultic spirituality than biblical Christianity. Let it not be forgitten that there are such things as demonic healings, too, and as for deliverances, aren't the believers' process of Holy Spirit-led sanctification and the spiritual armor listed in Ephesians enough? Certainly, we should look for and expect God to move among faithful bodoes of Chrisians. But Lord forbid that Bentley's circus of shenanigans should be considered such a move.
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