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Article Title: Why Do Christian Ministers Fail?
Author of reported comment: Richard Munro
Comment Date: 02:32 on Aug 27 2008
Comment: Some relief that the issue is one of propogating a "lie" that was probably used to make a larger impact in ministry. Dissappointing and unnecessary but by secular standards hardly surprising!! Media interest is simply in the "ooh aah" aspect and perhaps rubbing our noses in our own failings. (fair enough to!!) Many will have been touched by Mikes ministry and while it has been diminished by this, the genuine things of God will not have been affected. Lets use our Biblical model of confessing, repenting, reconciling and moving forward. Lets learn again from this issue and release some of our leaders from having to have "Gob smacking testimonies" to boost their spiritual credentials. This is "our problem" - christian community so lets deal with it!
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