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Article Title: Christians Win Eurovision
Author of reported comment: Awz
Comment Date: 13:18 on Aug 24 2008
Comment: Oh and btw, the person who reffered the line "In god's creation, supernatual high", open your mind, he's talking about getting high. And also, what a person believes is their business, nobody's else, so it would be nice if everyone dropped the discussion and moved on, because it really is a pointless discussion.. Before anybody says anything such as "if it's pointeless then why are you talking about it" think about it, it's cuz if i didn't say it, nobody else would. And honestly if i were a true christian, and the whole 9 yards, i would probably be offended at people who listen to this and think "oh it's ok they're christian" because i guarantee that a higher power isn't going to appreciate people who listen to something as such. Have a good life every1, ttyl -Awz
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