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Article Title: It Must Be Love
Author of reported comment: Roberto Torres
Comment Date: 09:46 on Aug 23 2008
Comment: Mr Gonzalez. This album was a huge blessing to me when I was a teenager. I wore out my cassette because I played it so much. I was about 16 when this album came out in the 80's and I was in love with it. Not only was it a great Christian Comtemporay album but it was so cool to have some really good Christian Latin music. I used to witness to many of my friends. Especially the song. "The Party's Over". I did see The Latinos live in the Cow Palace in San Francisco. Mario Murillo was holding a crusade. The Latinos and Carman were the music for that event. So excellent. I also remember the follow up. I think it was called Keep Punching away. I hope it will be possible to be able to download these songs from a website.. I am always searching for this album when I am near a garage sale, flea markey, eBay, etc.. Thank you and God Bless!
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