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Article Title: Chris Sligh: The ex-American Idol rocker without the boy band looks
Author of reported comment: Carmen Metcalfe
Comment Date: 21:10 on Aug 13 2008
Comment: Thank you for an informative & lovely article about Mr. Sligh. Having had the opportunity to meet Chris on several occasions, I can tell you that he is a very genuine, down to earth individual. His strong faith in God is evident in his music and the way he lives his life. I have been blessed to see Chris perform live and he always give it his all during his performances. He is a young man who writes from the heart and sings with his soul. I own both Half Past Forever CD's and his current CD "Running Back to You". All three are great albums that leave the listener craving more. I can't wait until Chris releases his next album. I can guarantee you that I will be one of the first people to go out and buy it.
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