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Article Title: Be Still: Songs By Daniel Usher
Author of reported comment: Jake Schulger
Comment Date: 13:48 on Aug 5 2008
Comment: I recently met Stephen Pailthorpe after he had been playing a track from this album at a leaders conference i was at in Denmark. I have never heard of Daniel Usher but had met Stephen a few times on the Christian circuit here in Denmark. Stephen recommended this album to me which he had been involved in the production with. All I can say As I listened to this album, I have been seriously overwhelmed by the gentle annointing on these tracks. 'I stand amazed' and 'Give me a heart' are superb tracks. When Stephen leads worship, it is always fantastic with intense tight harmonies and massive dynamic contrasts...this album from Daniel Usher is exactly that...awesome! and everything that I want in a true personal worship album. I look forward to hopefully coming to England and hearing Daniel Usher with Stephen Pailthorpe in person!
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