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Article Title: Jonas Brothers: It's these guys, not Busted, who hit in the US with "Year 3000"
Author of reported comment: hay-hay
Comment Date: 23:57 on Jul 24 2008
Comment: ok it is now official!YOU GUYS ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM SOOOOOO GLAD YALL ARE CHRISTIANS !!! hey here is a whacky idea,since yall like being recognised,why dont yall come to say like decatur,alabama and go in some stores and stuff cuz i would sure like to meet you!!! lol! ther is so much i didnt know about yall. i love you alloh p.s. how bout sum V.I.P tickets for ur #1 FAN! LOL JUST kIDDIN YOUR BIGGEST FAN!!>BYE!
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