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Article Title: Daryl Coley: The Gospel Giant Returns After Battle With Illness
Author of reported comment: S. Jamar
Comment Date: 18:19 on Jul 21 2008
Comment: The first time I heard Daryl Coley I immediately got excited. I was at work listening to the radio and when I heard that voice I was in awe!! I didn't know who it was, but when the station announced his name, I bought his CD right away. It was the one that had the song Romans 10 on it. I played that Cd every single day. Talk about being blessed by GOD. I just love Beyond the Veil. That whole CD just ministered to me. Every word!! I have gone through some rough times and his music is what helps me to continue to stand and believe in the promises of GOD!!! Daryl, I am so happy you are doing well and when I saw you on Donald Lawrences DVD singing "When Sunday Comes" I flipped. My kids thought I was crazy. Talk about being a man of God. You definitely have the favor of God upon you. I hope to see you in concert someday. Continue to minister and singing the praises of God. You are truly a blessing to me!!
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