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Article Title: It Must Be Love
Author of reported comment: MichaelEmmanuel
Comment Date: 22:01 on Jul 20 2008
Comment: WOW, Manny! Bro, if you can get this album remastered or remixed, (especially, the title track - "It must be loved"), that would be a MOST INCREDIBLE BLESSING for those of us eager to get a hold of this album, once again!! Keep up the GREAT WORK of spreading the Good News!! This special song is sooooooo incredible to listen to, it is truly a *timeless* Masterpiece inspired from the Lord!! A truly amazing "end time" message of encouragement and great reminder that Jesus is coming back as the song describes "in a twinkling of an eye"... *PLEASE* let us all know how it goes in getting this album accessible, once again!! ~ In His Mighty Love, MichaelEmmanuel
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