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Article Title: It Must Be Love
Author of reported comment: MichaelEmmanuel
Comment Date: 21:42 on Jul 20 2008
Comment: WOW!!! This is sooooooooo *AWESOME* how many have posted requests for "It Must Be Love".... I *LOVE* this song!! It has been my *FAVORITE* ALL TIME Contempo Christian ballad since it was first released! I had lent this cassette album version to another bro in the Lord, and unfortunately, had lost contact with that bro after a couple years back in the early 80's. If ANYONE can get this song remastered / remixed or somehow cleaned up on an old vinyl, it would truly be a SUPER AWESOME BLESSING!!! "It Must Be Love" is truly a song that is *timeless* and has a very POWERFUL message, especially in this day and age for Believers in this era!! If any of the original group of the Latinos could get this song online and accessible to be downloaded - it would go *far* and reach MANY untold numbers of bros an sisters who need to hear the message this incredible song delivers!!! May God Tremendously Bless all involved in reviving this "One-Hit-Wonder" - It Must Be Love!! ~ MichaelEmmanuel, San Diego, CA
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