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Article Title: Be Still: Songs By Daniel Usher
Author of reported comment: Colin Archer
Comment Date: 23:06 on Jul 15 2008
Comment: I recently had the privilege of meeting Daniel Usher and Stephen Pailthorpe at a Christian Vision for Men conference where they were leading worship - I picked up a copy of this CD that weekend and enjoyed my journey home all the more as a result of playing it. I'm no musician but I know what I like...and this is great - but there's I've listened over and again I find I'm drawn into different aspects of the personal favourite at the moment is "Give me a heart like your heart...give me a love like your love, that works through me in every situation, let every moment I live, declare the glory of the King" This album really works for me on the personal level...finding me at an important time for my relationship with God...thanks Daniel...looking forward to more!
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