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Article Title: Jonas Brothers: It's these guys, not Busted, who hit in the US with "Year 3000"
Author of reported comment: Em
Comment Date: 17:15 on Jul 11 2008
Comment: I don't think it's very fair to say 'These guys made the US and Busted didn't so their version must be better', which was implied in the title. Not really, Busted are from the UK, and they made it in the UK... They never really tried to make it in the US until the programme 'America or Busted' and even then they were on the verge of splitting. Fair enough, Jonas Brothers are a good band, I just think they're riding off the back of Disney's success && the censoring of year 3000 is ridiculous. I'd love it if they covered Busted's 'Late Night Sauna' aha, that would be amusing. ^.^
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