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Article Title: The Experience
Author of reported comment: Tolu Ihidero
Comment Date: 18:52 on Jul 7 2008
Comment: Hi all, Dapo Torimiro is on MYSPACE. He is in California now and he's doing very well. He is a producer with a difference. He has spent 2 years in the states already. Dapo was the male member of KUSH. TY Bello and Lara George have released albums and singles on their own. Emem Ema is into creative stuff lately and also holds it down in a law firm on the Island in Lagos. She won a music award from a competition organised by the British Council. TY Bello is also into photography and her splendid images are frequently used in the STYLE Section of ThisDay Newspapers in Nigeria. The 4 members of Kush are doing well individually, but I believe they will come together one day for a sophomore album. Cheers.
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