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Article Title: People Of Promise
Author of reported comment: tom lennie
Comment Date: 00:02 on Jun 29 2008
Comment: Hi 'James'. Well, I'm sorry you don't agree with my review, although I do make some quite positive remarks about certain features of this album. Perhaps roots/acoustic would have been a better category to put the music under - you have a point there, (although I think it could be argued that some tracks better equally well into the MOR/soft Pop category). But I think I would change it to Roots if i could. A few of your other points are quite strong - eg, that I have no idea what I'm talking about, probably don't know much about music period, and that I'm unable to handle the 'grace message'.....fairly personal remarks, 'james'.......... I think ultimately we just have to agree to disagree. You think this album pushes the boundaries and is refreshingly different - I return to my comment that DB is at his best on the more stripped-down numbers, where he's more vulnerable and where a greater sense of intimacy comes over.......
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