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Article Title: Songs Of Love
Author of reported comment: Lavar
Comment Date: 19:04 on Jun 28 2008
Comment: I agree with Danielle. This album is a wonderful album I can relate to almost all the songs(at least in the attitude that I love my wife and want to take care of her). "Time Out" hits especially home for me and my wife with her family, my family and our friends we are always running around. The first time we heard that we literally looked at each other and said I wish we could just chill. And when I proposed to my wife I actually played the "Intro" And "My Last Name" in the back ground. I absolutely love this album which was a surprise coming from Grapetree Records (if you followed the rise and fall of the label and its music you should understand what i mean). Everyone christian and non christian should have this in there collection. (if you have verizon wireless you can buy the whole album through the VCAST music and you can even download it from your phone to your computer). This album has a special spot in my wife and my relationship & life. GO FIND AND BUY THIS ALBUM.
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