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Article Title: Donald Lawrence & The Tri-City Singers: End Of An Era And New Beginnings
Author of reported comment: Deron Wilson
Comment Date: 21:06 on Jun 22 2008
Comment: Hey Donald this is Deron Wilson back in cinti,oh from the FBH church. We worked together in the choir. I have some interesting things going on. God has opened some doors and I am finally using my God given gifts in the Gospel music arena. I have partnered w/a friend who workd in the secular industry of the music business. Together we formed a company in which we manage artists and amongst other things. The name of the Co. is Jackim Management. I am emailing you to see if you could help out with some contacts. We have a couple of dynamic artists. To mentioned a few:Pastor Kenny Clay and Yesha Praise of Lexington,KY and Pastor Frankie Coleman of NY,NY. We are currently searching for a recording contract for these artists and am asking if you could help. My email is
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