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Article Title: Simple Truth
Author of reported comment: Debra Knobloch
Comment Date: 02:35 on Jun 20 2008
Comment: Hi David and Missy and family! We have been looking for you guys! How have you been! Please send news on Maw Maw Sister and Paw Paw Duke, as well as your family! Maw Maw Annie Lee is going to turn 91 next month. She was recently in the hospital with congestive heart failure but is doing fine now. She has been in a nursing care facility for 5 years now. Dawn is now 27, married, with a 6 month old son, Evan. Dana, 25 is doing well, Danielle is now 22. Send us some news! Take care! God Bless You! Debra & Denis Knobloch and family
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