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Article Title: Father To The Fatherless
Author of reported comment: Gina
Comment Date: 19:45 on Jun 17 2008
Comment: Ms. Hocking First and foremost Praise God for anyone who is a single parent, I am one myself and it is a journey and without God first you can become bitter and lost. Ms. Hocking I still have to stop and ask God for strength to balance this world without a human helpmate and He does. My son has a diagnosis (Emotional) disorder due to being picked on at school (the school continues to blame his home life) and I have been blessed to have him out of harms way(the school threated to sent him to an altera. school for juvenile dil.) and he is no longer angry and resentful at having to get an education. God does have a special place in His heart for the fatherless. Keep in the press and leave all that stress, to the One who cares for you! God bless you and yours. Ms. Gina Myers
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