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Article Title: John James: The Newsboys Ex-lead Singer Speaks About His Fall And Restoration
Author of reported comment: Mike Chatt
Comment Date: 22:10 on Jun 13 2008
Comment: What an awesome story of the grace of God. I always wondered what happened to John, but I did pray for him. I remember in 1996, I was a part of a large event in DC called Washington For Jesus and the Newsboys were there. I was backstage, while my wife and some other youth leaders were hosting them and we noticed some issues at the time, that were disheartening. A few years later, after John left the band, the rest of the Newsboys did an interview in CCM about how they had lost focus and regained it. We had them do a concert at our church, were I was the Youth Director, and I could see a big change in the guys. I'm so happy to hear that James is following wholly after God and that his marriage has been restored. I'm a Sr. Pastor now, but I still love to listen to the Newsboys. Mike
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