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Article Title: Dust On Rust
Author of reported comment: Dougie
Comment Date: 15:05 on Jun 13 2008
Comment: This is not worth 8 out of 10. c'mon guys! Larry hadn't recovered from bronchitis when he was recording these tracks. The vocals are awful. His Eyesight was going too which meant even if he had lyric sheets in front of him he wouldn't be able to read them... in some cases he takes an all-time classic Dylan song like 'Visions of Johanna' and destroys it with sloppy guitar playing, singing it with a bronchitis-ruined voice, and forgetting the words then giving up on the song altogether. How on earth can you rank this album as an 8 out of 10 release... which used to mean 'very good indeed'? On song after song it is heartbreaking to hear how ill Larry is and how unable he was to perform at anything like his normal capability. This sounds worse than if an amateur with no amazing back catalogue was doing these songs. It is easily one of the worst ad most disappointing CDs i've ever heard - due entirely to the condition of Larry's health at the time. I can't believe you have placed this on a par with studio albums like Copper Wires which had new songs, great covers, a great band and good production! This is a 1 or 2 out of 10 quality release. If you like Larry Norman, you probably won't love this. It'll make you weep.
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