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Article Title: It Must Be Love
Author of reported comment: Chris Dickson
Comment Date: 21:56 on Jun 9 2008
Comment: Hi Manny. In regards to the album "It Must Be Love," I listened to it as a boy, (my parents bought a cassette at one of your shows in the 80's) and when I returned to the Lord (6 years ago) my friend and I played it so much that the tape began to deteriorate. I only listen to it on a rare occasion, realizing that it's only a matter of time before it's all stretched and warbled. Needless to say, our Lord Jesus is so glorified in this album. i have a very special place in my heart for your music, and I (and many others) would be so blessed to have access to "It Must Be Love." Please contact me if you post it (for purchase even.) May The Lord bless you and keep you... but don't wait too long, "Cos in the twinkling of an eye we'll just be gone, and we'll leave this human race to carry on."
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