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Article Title: Brit Gospel
Author of reported comment: James Joy Kotka
Comment Date: 18:42 on Jun 2 2008
Comment: we have a worship team in India. since India is a nation where people worship but different Gods and we thought as a Team to counter attack we need to worship as a spiritual warfare.. so we do emphasis on worship that birngs freedom, hope, Love, Blessings in Life. we have recently come up with a CD.. our group name is "LAKSH" our few songs are ethnic music mixed.. so it is kinda fusion music but songs which brings freedom from bondage.. I read about what u mentioned.. u guys doin great.. all I request that please for our group cause sometimes the oppostion is great.. I live in a City where majorly people worship Godesses of death ..we need prayer backup since we are one team in heave doin the same thing is to Glorify God
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