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Article Title: 1979 - Christian Music's Year Zero!: A Personal Reflection by Mike Rimmer
Author of reported comment: Paul Loader
Comment Date: 15:49 on May 1 2008
Comment: I remember the Greenbelt 79 festival, what a gig that was. I was playing for a band called Amaziah and we had been performing with bands like The Bill Mason Band, 100% Proof and even Garth Hewitt. We could never break into their league. However, we made one album, and you can imagine this 18 year olds delight when they played my favourite track off of that album ove the stage PA as the last song before Cliff when on! Didn't last though! Thanks for the memories of the later end of the 70's, and thanks for speaking well of fellow Bristol Band FishCo/Writz. I wonder if we will be speaking so fondly of 2008 in 30 years time.
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