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Article Title: Bring On The Joy
Author of reported comment: shawn higgins
Comment Date: 20:55 on Apr 17 2008
Comment: I visited Living way Sund March 30 2008. I loved the what ever will be song, sung by you at the 9am service. It took me to my childhood. But the 11am service no more Golitaith sermon delivered from your son and I am Changed song by you delivered me. I purchased your cd and ordered the sermon. When I came that morning I was in fear, confused, scared, searching for a change, fighting the enemy I was condemed. But no more. I am changed. God has delivered me and has set me free.. I thought I had a close relalationship with God before.. But the love he and I have now is the best relationship I have ever ever had, reading his word now has a different impact on me. My prayers are more intimate. Thank you for your testimony through song and tell Brandon thank you for obeying Gods voice and delivering that sermon to me. Yeah George Jefferson moving on up was to funny He has the walk thooooo. Yours in Christ Shawn Higgins Ms Higgins
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